Papers on Scientific and Methodical Conferences. Educational and Methodical Developments (selective)

Zabudsky E.I. Computer Calculation of Cross Magnetic Circuit of Non-Linear Facilities with Revolving Field: Textbook on Electrical Machines Special Course. - Kishinev: KPI, 1979, - 44p.
Zabudsky E.I. The Set of Slides on Electrical Machines and Transformers Construction and Assembling Technology. - 318 color and black-and-white slides. Slides Set Catalogue, - 30p.: Educational and Methodical Development. - Kishinev: KPI, 1979.
Zabudsky E.I. An Experience of Utilization of Audio-Visual Teaching Means at the Department of Electrical Machines // All-Russian Conf. on Scientific Basis of Developing and Applying of Technical Means for Education. - Moscow: MEPHI, 1984, - 1p.
Zabudsky E.I. The Album of Distributing Materials for Practical Training on the Course of Transformer Calculation: Course and Diploma Projecting. 1985, - 131p. A Slides Set for Practical Training. 1986, - 120 pieces: Educational and Methodical Development. - Kishinev: KPI.
Zabudsky E.I. A Software and Solving of Problem of Magnetic Field Calculation at Electrical Machines Studies // Materials of 5th All-Russian Seminar on Developing and Applying of Computer Program Means in Educational Process, book 2. Moscow: Institute of Informatics Problems. USSR Academy of Science. Ordjonikidze, 1989, - pp.138-139.
Certificate # 3/93 10.09.93 on computer film "Geometric Interpretation of Magnetic Field Calculations Results in Electromechanical Facilities". Zabudsky E.I. // Catalogue of Certified Program Products for Electrotechnical Courses. - Astrahan: ASTU, Science Methodical Council on Electrical Engineering of Russian Federation Ministry of Common and Professional Education, 1993, - pp.7-8.
Zabudsky E.I., Pavlov M.V. Calculation of Physical Fields in Electromechanical Facilities and Results Interpretation by means of Computer Graphics // Russian Science and Methodical Conf. on Computer Technologies in High Education, section E., St.-Petersburg: SPbIFMO, 1994, - pp.68-69.
Zabudsky E.I., Pavlov M.V. A Geometric interpretation of the calculation of the Magnetic Field in Electromechanical Devices // The 1st Int. Conf. on Distance Education in Russia. Distance Learning and New Technologies in Education / Proc., pp.413-414, 5-8 July 1994. Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
Zabudsky E.I. An Utilization of Program-Instrumental Complex "Microprocessor System for Step Motor Driving" in Informatics Studies // The 2nd Int. (13th Russian) Conf. on the Problems of Automatic Electric Drive / Proc., pp.185-187, 23-25 September 1998. Ulyanovsk.
Zabudsky E.I. A Complex of Computer Programs and Methodical Supplying of their Utilization for Electrical Machines and Transformers Designing and Mathematical Modeling // Materials of 4th Int. Science and Methodical Conf. on New Information Technologies in Electrotechnical Disciplines Teaching. - Astrahan: ASTU, Science Methodical Council on Electrical Engineering of Russian Federation Ministry of Common and Professional Education, 1998, - pp.141-146.
Zabudskij E. I. Modelling of electromagnetic modes of devices of electromechanics // New information technologies in electrotechnical education (NITE-2000): the Collection of proceedings of the fifth international scientific-methodical conference. - Astrakhan. - 2000. - P.168-174.

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